Differences between Asphalt Shingles and Concrete Tile Roofing: What are They?

When driving through the majority of neighborhoods, you will likely see a variety of different roofing materials. Most of the time, you will find that asphalt shingles are going to dominate as the most popular type of material for roofing. Just like anything else, the most popular materials aren’t always going to be the best quality. Many builders and homeowners install asphalt shingles because of the inexpensive cost involved. They don’t cost near as much as what tile does.

Asphalt shingles and concrete tile tend to be popular options for roofing your home. They come in a number of colors and styles that will look amazing upon completion. Both asphalt and concrete can provide you with a variety of looks that are going to accommodate your wants and needs. Don’t forget about their durable nature. These options will definitely stand the test of time.

Both forms of roofing are resistant and tough when it comes to inclement weather. However, one of the big issues with asphalt shingles is the fact that they might get blown away in high winds. Concrete tiles, on the other hand, aren’t going to wind up floating away.

Another big difference between the two involves the installation process. Concrete tiles are a lot more difficult to be installed and often require the assistance of a professional. When you add in the extra installation help needed, that can increase the initial costs. Most of the time, you will find roofing contractors have been specifically trained in that area of roofing. It is imperative that you have the job done right to ensure a safe, long-lasting and durable roof.

Asphalt shingles aren’t considered as environmentally friendly as that of concrete tiles. They don’t work to block and insulate the heat in the home, so you can end up with a higher energy bill and an increased amount of energy being consumed every month. Tile roofing has been shown to reduce your overall heating and cooling costs due to the ventilation needed when installed.

Tile roofs might be a little more expensive than that of asphalt shingles when initially purchasing the produce, but they will add a lot more value and longevity to the home than that of asphalt shingles. The number of different tiles that are available will provide you with a style that is unique and long-lasting. You simply can’t beat the level of curb appeal these tiles bring to the table.

To find out more information about tile roofing, take the time to speak with a trained professional who knows what it takes to get the job done. Don’t waste time with materials that are less than superior when you can have it all in concrete tile.

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