Does My Roof Need to be Repaired?

How often do you actually take the time to look at your roof? If you are like most individuals, you are constantly running in and out of your home, taking the kids to school or other gatherings and only glancing at the roof Wilmington Roof Repair and Inspectionwhen you are leaving the driveway. Taking the time to inspect your roof and make any necessary repairs could end up saving you a lot of money on costly repairs later on down the line. If you ever decide to sell your home, keeping the roof in top condition is a huge plus.

It is important that you inspect your roof at least a couple times every year, during the fall and the spring. The best place to start inspecting the roof is in your attic. Take a flashlight and make a trip upstairs. Look for any signs of leaking or water damage, trails, dark spots, places where the roof appears to be sagging and any outside light showing inside of the home.

When you look at the outside of your roof, you want to pay attention to any shingles that are missing, blistering, curling, rotting or loaded with algae, as well as any damaged flashing. Look at your roof for any cracks, tears, missing or bald shingles. Do a quick scan for any loose materials and wear around the vents, chimneys, pipes and other areas of penetration in the roof. If you find a large amount of shingle granules in your gutters, this is often the sign of advanced wear in your roof.

Examine the roof for any mold, rot and signs of moisture. Wet spots might be directly underneath of the faulty shingles. Water can end up traveling all the way down to the lowest spot before it actually drips. Fungi, bacteria and mold can quickly grow. All it takes is one to two days for the mold to start growing and flourishing from a water-related issue.

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